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Recent Comments
- Thanks from your winner - Andi! (2 comments)
- Do you think the accumulation of tension can be prevented in order to reduce the intesity of earthquake? (1 comments)
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it seems ridiculous doesn’t it? the oceans are so huge and contain so much water, how can our actions affect them?? but it really does happen that way. even just the bits of plastic that we drop into the sea, they collect together and they kill the wildlife from the oceans and so this impacts on the food chain in the ocean. our use of fossil fuels is causing the temperature of the atmosphere to rise and in turn the temperature of the sea will rise too and this might impact on the living creatures in the ocean. This increased temperature will also melt the ice caps which will return more water into the sea. This water will be fresh, so it will change the composition of the sea water (it will be less salty) and so this will impact on the creatures that use sea water to make their shells. it will also impact on how the ocean waters move around the globe which will impact on what water goes where…. it’s actually really scary when you think about it that way! 🙁
That’s a really good point. How can we make a difference when the ocean is so big?? Unfortunately the answer is yes, the oceans can definitely be threatened by our actions.
So the ocean is very big, but it’s also very well connected. It will take time, but changes in one part of the ocean are likely to also affect other areas at some point later in time.
The global ocean circulation is also called “global conveyor belt”, because the currents can literally transport the heat and water all around the world, as if it was a conveyor belt carrying stuff around a factory. But this means that if it breaks at one point, then the rest of the chain will stop and so the transport is interrupted.
Another main problem is the fact that the ocean is our main storage for carbon dioxide. So part of the CO2 that we have emitted is now stored at the bottom of the ocean in the deep sediments. However, the ocean can only store so much carbon and this process takes time. We have been producing way too much of it and way too fast, so the ocean can’t keep up with its storage.
This causes problems like ocean acidification, like Rhian has already mentioned.